Eastbourne Half Marathon

After months of training…or rather months of thinking about training, followed by a few desperate weeks trying to squeeze in as many runs as possible…I was thrilled to take part in the Eastbourne Half Marathon.

This was my second time doing this run, both times accompanied by my friend Adam (pictured). It’s a brilliant course that winds upwards towards the South Downs at the start, before dropping down onto the seafront for a long flat stretch right on the promenade, past the pier and Bandstand and down to the harbour.  

I set off with the ambition of just finishing. Anything beyond that would be a bonus. But secretly I wanted to beat my previous time of 1:58. From the start we set a steady 5’20” /km pace and stuck to it for the whole race (apart for the final 2km when my legs went to jelly so Adam outpaced me to finish a minute or two ahead). But I crossed the finish line in 1.53 which I was delighted with.

The race was made more special this year because I was raising money for the brilliant anti-suicide charity The Rose Paterson Trust. I ran wearing their t-shirt and was able to raise a modest £500 to help the cause. This is a charity I have had the pleasure of working closely with and have seen their phenomenal work up-close.

A big thank you to everyone who donated and who came out to watch and support. See you again next year…maybe.